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 The Rengasdengklok incident was a kidnapping event carried out by a number of young men such as Soekarno, Wikana, Aidit and Chaerul Saleh from the "Menteng 31" association of Soekarno and Hatta. This event took place on 16 August 1945 night, Soekarno and Hatta were taken to Rengasdengklok, Karawang, to pressed to accelerate the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Rengasdengklok was chosen because it is far from the Jakarta-Cirebon highway. They are also easy to supervise Japanese soldiers who want to come to Rengasdengklok from the direction of Bandung and Jakarta.

The negotiations took place between the elderly groups represented by Sukarno and Hatta and young Mr Ahmad Subardjo about when the proclamation would take place, especially after the defeat of Japan in the Pacific War. From the negotiations, an agreement was reached, the proclamation of independence should be held in Jakarta. Soekarno - Hatta was read on Friday, August 17, 1945 in the field (now which has become the Monas field). But was chosen Bung Karno's house because it was spread that there was an event to be held, so the Japanese soldiers had been on guard.Because it was chosen Soekarno house on the street Pegangsaan Timur No.56. Proclamation text arranged in Rengasdengklok, in the home of a Chinese, Djiaw Kie Siong.

Not getting news from Jakarta, then Kunto and Achmad Soebardjo to Rangasdengklok to pick up Soekarno, Hatta, Fatmawati and Guntur. At 16 midnight entourage arrived in Jakarta. The next day, August 17, 1945 statement proclamation was echoed with the text of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence which typed Sayuti Melik.

The main purpose or meaning of the rengasdengklok event is that young people want to speed up the proclamation process without having to wait for Japan. That’s why Ir. Soekarno when he was brought to Rengasdengklok to be secured so as not to be affected by Japan. Because of this, Indonesia can immediately proclamated true independence and is not a gift from  Japan.
